find what you love and run with it
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what I am good at. They always tell you to find what you love. You may always be looking for what you can do here online to help support your family and your goals. You need to find what you love and run with it.
As many of you know I have an Etsy Shop. I absolutely love making things. But, let’s face it, with this economy sales have really slacked off. I don’t blame anyone. People are really tightening their belts. There is not a lot of extra money in people’s budgets.
I love writing about Disney and Universal and travel in general. I do have a travel blog (check out Minnie Trips) but since changing servers, it has not been updated yet. It is a work in progress. Here again, though we are facing a financial thing. People will not be making big trips this summer. The price of gas is just staggering.
So what am I good at?
One of the things I have been good at, which is on the down-low, is encouraging people. Check out Pep-Talk PLR. Positive messages have always been something I am passionate about. In this day and age, a positive message is definitely something that we all need. Or at least I think so!
I have also wanted to help people by using my organizational skills and my project management degree.
More and more people are looking online to help make money. Some may be looking for just enough to fill their gas tanks. Others may be looking to find a whole new life and career. The thing is they probably have no idea how to make that happen. They need someone to help them to find a clear path to success. Someone to help them define their goals, break them down and ultimately achieve those goals.
I am still working out the details in my head. And breaking down how that would work.
The first step is an email list. Yes, I am going to ask you to join an email list. There will be 2 options.
First Option
A daily email from me. This will include encouraging thoughts, quotes, and positive messages.
If you want to sign up right now, here is the link for On the Daily
Second Option
A weekly email with the same messages, but not as frequently. This will be more for those that may feel overwhelmed with emails. They still want that positive encouragement. You will find this in your inbox every Wednesday morning. You can find that On the Weekly.
What Both Options will include
I want people to use these newsletters as tools to help them succeed. Sometimes what we really need is to know that someone is in our corner. Someone that just encourages us.
Many of us are not so lucky to have a support network around us. Some of just are just out there by ourselves.
Let’s face it, it is so much easier to just give up and give in when there is no one out there for us.
I want to encourage you.
You aren’t alone.
You have found what you love to do, now go and soar with it!
Many of us just need that cheering squad behind us!
Now go out there and be great! Do what you love!