new year – new planner
Are you a planner? Do you find yourself oohing and ahhing at the planner aisle at Michaels? Or maybe JoAnns?
OK, let me be perfectly frank with you all. I love paper planners. Now, yes, I do use digital planners as well. I love being able to take them with me where ever I go. And I LOVE adding pictures of my life right to my digital planner.
But at home? I love my paper planner. I love sitting down every week and planning my weekly activities, my menu, and my appointments. You name it; I am writing it down. Then I get to decorate it with stickers and tape and multicolored pencils.
It just makes me Happy!
And that is an excellent intro to the Happy Planner.
I do love a good Happy Planner. And don’t just don’t, ask me how many I have.
But here is the thing, lately, I have noticed that the selection of planners and accessories is sadly lacking. We have a big beautiful new JoAnns locally. I was excited to go and check them out.
Yes, they did have planners. More than the old store, but still not enough.
So what is a girl to do?
Turn to shopping online!
I mean did ya know that there is a Happy Planner website?
And if you are an Amazon Prime member and just can’t wait to get your planners shipped, you guessed it, Happy Planner is also on Amazon!
And as if you didn’t need any other reason, they do have the Disney Happy Planners!
This is the latest purchase. It is not a planner per se but a notebook with blank pages to plan out all my projects. Like content creation.
I just purchased this planner; I haven’t planned anything in it, so I don’t have pictures of prettily planned pages, but I LOVE this idea!
There are Stickers! That link is to Alice in Wonderland Stickers.
Is Disney not your thing? Check out these Harry Potter Stickers from Happy Planner!
But if you are looking for just Happy Planners and Stickers without Disney or Harry Potter, they have all that too! And I get it delivered straight to my door!
Check out Happy Planner on Amazon!
And I know many of us wait for the sales at JoAnn’s and Michaels, so we don’t pay the full price. But I don’t know about you; many times, by the time I get there, the good stuff is all gone. If you are looking for specific Happy Planners or want the convenience of having it delivered instead of going out and sorting through all the other stuff. I don’t know about you, but typing the key words to what I want in the Amazon search bar is way easier than looking through shelves that may or may not have what I want.