Am I a runner now? Running at Walt Disney World
What a wild adventure!
Here I am in my signature color, purple! I only did one race, the 5K, during Springtime Surprise at Walt Disney World this hot and humid weekend in April, but I am hooked!
This was our 3rd adventure into running in WDW. I have done 2 other virtual races, but let me be clear, they have nothing on doing a live run through the parks!
So in total I have done a 5K, a couple of 10Ks and a half-marathon in WDW. When do I get to call myself a runner?
What is a runner?
And what is it about runDisney that draws such massive crowds, not to mention loyal runners who do ALL the events, regardless of the price point or the crowds?
Where else can you get photos like this? Now, the 5k has been the only race I have done, so far, without the fear of being swept by the balloon ladies, so I stopped to get lots of photos!
But it’s the whole atmosphere. It’s before the race, during the race and after the race. So much fun. So much music. You have other runners, that you don’t even know, cheering you on. There are cast members on the sidelines cheering you on.
I will never forget the feeling of running down Main Street in the Magic Kingdom during the half marathon. One side was blocked off and full of people just cheering us on!
Running is a solitary sport. It is great to go out for a run and get away from it all. I won’t lie. Its my time to recharge.
But there is something so different about going for a run with thousands of other Disney fans. Its the whole atmosphere!
Now I was a runner in high school. I ran the 1 and 2 mile in track. Through the seasons, I could see myself improving. I even did a half marathon with the pastor’s wife. I enjoyed running, especially in my senior year.
As you know, I was in the army, and we ran almost every morning. I ran the two miles for my PT test. I wasn’t breaking any records, but I was making it by the time limit.
In my early 20s I had an accident and had major nerve damage in my right foot. I actually have an VA disability because of it.
So yes, running is a challenge now. I have to wrap my foot and make sure I am wearing the correct shoes. Ice packs are my friend. And yes, before you ask, my primary care at the VA is well aware that I run. I was told to either use it or lose all the feeling in my foot. So here we are.
So when do we get to call ourselves runners?
Is it after we run a mile or 2 nonstop?
Is it after we have run a 5K? a 10K? or a half marathon? or even a full marathon?
Is it when we would just rather be running on a Saturday morning than cleaning the house?
I think we can call ourselves runners whenever we feel like we want to. Distance has no say in it. Injuries? Nope. Its the spirit inside of us that keeps us going out there and trying. Even if we don’t make the distance we wanted to.
The point is we went out there and we tried. Some days we make it and other days we don’t. It’s all part of the sport.
So will I be doing more runDisney events?
Yes! I love where you can take a solitary sport and make it into an event with everyone cheering you on!
What race is next?
No, really, what race is next???

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